Starring: Kayla Vosburg, Gregg Daniel, Thomas Calabro and others. En un pueblo tranquilo, un hombre, un aspirante a director de cine de terror, está a punto de que su vida y el mundo que conoce cambien para siempre. In a sleepy town, one man, a wannabe horror film director is about to have his life and the world he knows change forever.

In a sleepy town, one man, a wannabe horror film director is about to have his life and the world he knows change forever. Finally, he gets the big break he has been waiting a lifetime for, but its not Hollywood knocking on his door. less. En un pueblo tranquilo, un hombre que aspira a ser director de cine de terror, está a punto de que su vida y todo el mundo que conoce cambien para siempre.

Fat Ass Zombies

In a sleepy town, one man, a wannabe horror film director is about to have his life and the world he knows change forever. Finally, he gets the big break he has been waiting a lifetime for, but its not Hollywood knocking on his door. info+ Información. starImagenes. Starring: Kayla Vosburg, Gregg Daniel, Thomas Calabro and others. Resulta que el virus zombie fue introducido en el pueblo de alguna manera desconocida. Un grupo de amigos lo tomaron como un desafío, y no tienen intención de entregar la ciudad a una locura, sino de defender su pueblo con. Starring: Gregg Daniel, Kayla Vosburg, Kristen Renton and others.

Trailer Fat Ass Zombies

En un pueblo tranquilo, un hombre, un aspirante a director de cine de terror, está a punto de que su vida y el mundo que conoce. George Bennett ve Christopher De Maria'nun senaryosunu kaleme aldıkları ve Giorgio'nun ise yönetmenlik koltuğunda oturduğu, baş rollerini Kristen Renton, Sondrea Currie ve Thomas Calabro gibi yetenekli isimlerin paylaştığı. Dans une ville endormie, un homme, un réalisateur de films d'horreur en herbe est sur le point de voir sa vie et le monde qu'il connaît changer pour toujours.

Enfin, il obtient la grande pause qu'il attend depuis une vie, mais ce n'est pas Hollywood qui frappe à sa porte. In a sleepy town, one man, a wannabe horror film director is about to have his life and the world he knows change forever. Finally, he gets the big break he has been waiting a lifetime for, but its not Hollywood knocking on his door. Finally, he gets the big break he has been waiting a lifetime for, but its not Hollywood knocking on his door.